IDG Condemns Systemic Racism and Supports Efforts to Promote Racial Justice and Equality.
IDG as a company and as individuals stand for and are motivated by a belief in certain universal core values. These include: racial (and other) equality, justice, peace, human dignity, human development, democracy, the rule of law, and economic development that creates opportunities for all people. Among our core beliefs, one that is particularly important to vocalize at this moment in history is our belief that Black lives matter. Believing in these various core values presumably is why many of us work in the field of international development.
A number of recent events including the murder of George Floyd have occurred that clearly are contrary to these core values, that are deeply troubling, and that reflect ongoing systemic racism in American society. As a company and as individuals, we condemn police brutality, government violence against one’s own citizens, and racism. Exactly how to fix these societal problems is not a simple question, and as individuals we may have varying views as to what society should do and what we as individuals in that society should do. However, despite any variation in views about the best policy changes and other societal interventions, it is important that we can all come together, to support and re-affirm our core values that tell us that current circumstances are unacceptable and must change, as well as to re-affirm our commitment to work toward that change.
America commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans on June 19—Juneteenth—a fitting day for us to reflect on how far we have come, and on how far we still have to go.
David Snelbecker
International Development Group LLC