IDG is providing Applied Political Economy Analysis to Examine Specific Political Environment Issues that MCC faces at Different Phases of the Compact Development Cycle in African and non-African Countries
International Development Group LLC (IDG) has been awarded a five-year $4.2 million Political Economy Analysis (PEA) contract funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). During the initial one-year base period, IDG will provide applied political economy analyses and conduct initial assessments in four countries: Lesotho, Sierra Leone, and Zambia (in Sub-Saharan Africa), and Belize (in Central America), with the opportunity to expand activities to other countries selected as MCC Compact partners. IDG’s PEA work will strengthen MCC’s capacity to identify and examine the specific issues the agency faces at different phases of its Compact Development Cycle. The project will support MCC’s ability to ensure an improved, holistic understanding of how the agency can create more tailored development activities that meet specific country and community needs while supporting economic growth and poverty reduction.
IDG looks forward to working with MCC on this project.