Areas of Expertise

Cost-benefit Analysis (CBA)

IDG provides tailored training in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to counterpart government officials and donor project officers. We assist the creation of academic and executive training programs to support CBA practices in partner countries. We undertake CBAs of programs on behalf of donors and governments. We address all aspects of CBA, including: financial, economic, stakeholders, environmental, and risk analysis. We take into consideration not only expected financial flows of stakeholders – revenues and expenditures – but also various economic impacts, positive and negative externalities such as job creation, tax revenues, and environmental impact, and stochastic factors. We support institutionalization of CBA practices for public investment decisions, within ministries of finance and planning, line ministries, and subnational governments. CBA assistance directly contributes to an increased ability of countries to more critically consider infrastructure projects and loans, to assess how beneficial such projects are and the risks of falling into a debt trap with projects that are not financially feasible or will yield low economic returns.

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