IDG conducted an evaluation in Liberia for the Government and Economic Management Assistance (GEMAP) program. GEMAP was a multilateral program initiated in 2005 to improve governance, enhance transparency and accountability, and lay a solid foundation for a sustainable peace in Liberia. Overall, IDG found that the GEMAP activities worked: While it did not eliminate corruption, it instituted processes that made corrupt practices more difficult. Participants in the GEMAP agreement included the Government of Liberia, USAID, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, United Nations, and the European Union among others. IDG’s evaluation focused on assessing three USAID-led GEMAP initiatives implemented by International Business Initiatives, Segura, and TRAWOCO. View the full USAID report compiled by IDG (formerly Sibley International LLC).
IDG conducted an evaluation in Liberia for the Government and Economic Management Assistance Program (GEMAP), which focused on assessing three USAID-led GEMAP initiatives. There was room for improvement in the initiatives, as indicators focused mostly on project outputs rather than impact, and the results of the workplans were not closely monitored. IDG evaluated the Government and Economic Management Assistance Program (GEMAP) in Liberia, finding that GEMAP did not eliminate corruption, but it instituted processes that made corrupt practices more difficult.Areas of Expertise
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Impact and Performance Evaluation
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