USAID/Egypt is undertaking multi-year assistance to the Government of Egypt (GOE) in the broad area of economic governance. USAID selected International Development Group LLC (IDG) to implement the Egyptian Economic Governance for Development Project (EGDP). EGDP implemented bridge activities intended to support GOE initiatives to strengthen inclusion and transparency of economic governance as a means toward improved economic well-being for Egyptians. USAID/Egypt’s program priorities include:
EGDP’s activities address the following three pillars:
The activities include analysis and design studies related to future economic governance programming as well as the implementation of shorter-term activities.
The EGDP project analyzed Egypt’s recent performance on the World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGIs) at the aggregate and individual governance indicator levels for: Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, and Control of Corruption. The project also conducted a workshop on “Governance Indicators and Egypt’s Future Perspectives.” EGDP initiated work with the USAID Macro-Economic Stabilization and Reform (MESR) project to jointly organize a roundtable discussion with GOE counterparts on the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development’s approach to, and responsibilities for, governance performance monitoring systems. EGDP conducted an analysis of the laws governing anti-corruption and a matrix reflecting the mandates of different entities within the GOE responsible for anti-corruption based on the review of all anti-corruption related laws. The EGDP conducted a comprehensive review and analysis of the legal and institutional framework of the current GOE anti-corruption strategy. EGDP finalized the two studies analyzing the legal framework governing anti-corruption, identifying gaps, and providing recommendations to the institutional framework and public institutions in Egypt at the central and local levels. The EGDP team conducted several capacity assessment sessions to review the One Stop Shop / Citizen Service Center’s structure, operations, human capacity, and work streams to identify potential capacity building needs.Areas of Expertise
Economic Governance
Capacity Building
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