The USAID South Africa Low Emissions Development Embedded Staff Activity (SA–LED) is a $1.26 million institutional support contract that supports climate-resilient development. SA–LED is part of a broader US Government initiative, Enhanced Capacity for Low Emissions Development, which aids developing countries’ in achieving long-term, transformative development. This initiative accelerates sustainable, climate-friendly economic growth and aims to curb the rise of greenhouse gas emissions.
IDG has placed South African experts within the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) to support climate change adaptation, climate finance, monitoring and evaluation; climate finance; greenhouse gas inventory agriculture, forestry, and other land use; and greenhouse gas inventory industrial processes and product use. We are accelerating South Africa’s transition by providing targeted technical assistance to enhance the foundation of analysis and policy work related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions while supporting efforts to pursue long-term, transformative development and accelerate sustainable, climate-resilient economic growth. SA–LED exemplifies USAID’s Localization Initiative by leveraging local expertise attuned to the country’s development needs.
IDG’s M&E Specialist supports the DFFE in implementing Section 12 of the National Climate Change Response Policy by compiling the adaptation component of the annual report and assisting with both domestic and international reporting obligations. IDG also implements an adaptation-inclusive climate change monitoring and evaluation framework to measure the impact and effectiveness of South Africa’s climate adaptation efforts. IDG’s agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) specialist leads the compilation of South Africa’s greenhouse gas inventory for the energy sector. This includes fathering AFOLU emissions data, ensuring quality control and assurance of the sector, compiling emissions inventory reports, and improving the inventory program. Also, our greenhouse gas inventory industrial processes and product use (IPPU) specialist leads the compilation of South Africa’s greenhouse gas inventory. This involves gathering and sorting IPPU emissions data, identifying inventory requirements, performing quality control, compiling emissions reports, and implementing emissions improvement programs. The IPPU Specialist also supports the operationalization of the national greenhouse gas inventory system. IDG’s System Administrator for Monitoring and Evaluation designs, develops, maintains, and continuously improves the Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation databases and systems. The System Administrator also reports climate change information in compliance with the DFFE’s national and international obligations.Areas of Expertise
Climate Change Adaption Monitoring and Evaluation
Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Assessment
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
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